
Debtor’s notice after receipt of enforcement notice

  Debtor’s name   
  Telephone number   
  E-mail address   
  Enforcement case no.   
Tartu bailiff
Oksana Kuchmei
Ülikooli 2 (5th floor), Tartu 51003
date of notification
I became aware of the enforcement proceedings commenced against mean and would like to inform the bailiff that:

1. All of the procedural documents, including the ones that require delivery, must be sent to me by unregistered letter to the address:
I am aware that in such a case, a document is deemed to have been received after three days have passed from posting.

2. The persons dependent on me are:

3. My income not subject to seizure is:
Amount of wages, name of Employer. Enclose employment contract.
Type or name and amount of support, benefit or pension. Enclose certificate.
Type or name and amount of support, benefit or pension. Enclose certificate.

4. My income is received on a current account in the following bank:
SEB Bank
Luminor Bank
Danske Bank
Tallinna Äripank
Coop Pank
LHV Bank
Citadele Bank
Corporate Bank
Svenska Handelsbanken

I would like to give information about other circumstances that may affect the conduct of the enforcement proceedings and making a claim for payment on my assets:
Documents enclosed with the application: Employment contract:  No  Yes
Current account statement:  No  Yes
Birth certificate(s):  No  Yes
I confirm that the submitted data are correct.
applicant’s first name and surname, signature or digital signature date